Bakers Journal

DSM aims to deliver accessible, affordable ingredients by 2030

September 14, 2021
By Bakers Journal

Through investment in its (bio)science-based innovations, partnerships, and advocacy, DSM aims to help deliver change to ensure accessible and affordable, nutrition by 2030.

DSM’s new strategic food system commitments are broken down into three categories, “people,” “planet” and “livelihoods.”


DSM commits to helping fill the micronutrient gap of 800 million people by 2030 through fortified staple foods and health supplements that deliver a proven and cost-effective method of combating malnutrition. DSM collaborates with its cross-sector partners such as the World Food Programme, UNICEFWorld Vision and Scaling Up Nutrition.

The company also commits to supporting the immunity of 500 million people by 2030. As the market leader in nutritional ingredients rooted in nutritional science, DSM will step up its role in delivering essential vitamins, minerals and other ingredients to consumers worldwide through high-performance dietary supplements. DSM will promote healthier diets and also develop and launch new innovative products which helps boost vitamin D levels in the body in weeks – instead of months.


Food systems and the climate crisis are intrinsically linked. Not only is food production and consumption responsible for more than a quarter of all global emissions (IPCC report 2019), it’s also the first to be hit by the disruption of the planet’s natural ecosystems. Scaling up plant-based alternatives together with switching to more sustainable production of key animal proteins such as dairy, fish, meat, and eggs is needed to fulfill the nutritional needs of a growing global population.

  • DSM commits to enable double-digit on-farm reduction of livestock emissions by 2030, specifically:
  • Enable a 20 per cent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in dairy production
  • Enable a 30 per cent reduction in ammonia emissions from swine farming
  • Enable a 30 per cent reduction in phosphorus emissions from poultry farming.


  • Support the livelihoods of 500,000 smallholder farmers across value chains together with partners
  • Together with its partners DSM commits to supporting the livelihoods of 500,000 smallholder farmers across value chains by 2030. As a first step, DSM is helping to improve the incomes of farmers working in its own value chains and through joint venture partners. To achieve this, DSM will be scaling up its innovative social enterprise model Africa Improved Foods (AIF). This Rwanda-based public-private partnership produces nutritious and affordable fortified foods for – and with – local communities. Today it sources a variety of grains from around 130,000 smallholder farms, providing a steady and more secure income, as well as training to improve yields and climate-resilient farming. By expanding the program to additional locations in Sub-Saharan Africa, DSM wants to quadruple the number of farmers reached and thus contribute to equality, local economic development and job creation.

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