Bakers Journal

Advanced confectionary arts program

May 8, 2018
By Bakers Journal

Butterflies and sunflower sugar sculpture Humber College

Humber College is now offering an advanced chocolatier and confectionary arts graduate certificate program aimed at professional chefs looking to augment their skills.

Now, pastry chefs who have already earned their bachelor’s degree or hold an advanced diploma in baking and pastry arts can enhance their skill-set with this graduate certificate. They can learn to perfect the art of working with sugar art and sculpting chocolate. This program is designed to schedule theory classes around its students with a day job, allowing them to learn online, in-class or in a hybrid format. Practical classes take place in the evening to accommodate working professionals.

To be eligible for admission, the college requests that students already have their diploma or advanced diploma or in baking and pastry arts management, culinary management or apprentice cook program. This program prepares students for work experiences both at home and abroad, with advanced knowledge of sustainability and ethical sourcing.

Among some of the classes offered in this two-semester, year-long course are lessons in artisanal chocolate techniques, professional sugar artistry and confectionary techniques, modern and international desserts and courses in working with frozen preparations, such as ice cream. The program offers lessons in product development to aid students eventually launch their own branded product.

The faculty includes Chef Kenneth Ku, Chef Sergio Shidomi, and Chef Gamini Hemalal. Courses are scheduled to start September 2018 and end August 2019.

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