Bakers Journal

BRS offers support for bakeries, cafés

May 25, 2020
By Bakers Journal

Small to medium-sized business, such as bakeries, cafés and restaurants are among those most impacted by the current pandemic and will now have direct access to a network of qualified business advisors to help guide them courtesy of a new, government-funded program from the Canadian Chamber of Commerce.

The program, called the Business Resilience Service (BRS), is run through the Canadian Chamber’s Canadian Business Resilience Network in collaboration with EY and with support from Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada) and Imagine Canada.

The BRS will provide options for any vulnerable small to medium-sized business, not-for-profit or charity to immediately connect with experienced accounting and tax professionals across the country from professional services firms. The program, delivered to organizations free of charge, will:

  • Provide guidance on program options and eligibility
  • Rapidly direct businesses – including enterprises involving Indigenous peoples, women and diverse groups – to the most appropriate support organizations
  • Help organizations make decisions to support recovery plans
  • Provide real time insights and feedback to policymakers

The BRS program, coordinated by EY, will be provided for four weeks from Monday, May 25, and will involve support from approximately 125 business advisors from across the accounting profession. Organizations can access the BRS seven days a week by calling 1-866-989-1080.

“The Business Resilience Service is about business helping business. CPAs speak the language of business. They understand the financial pressures on small to medium-sized businesses, not-for-profits and charities and are uniquely qualified to help them navigate federal and regional support programs and help their organizations survive the economic impacts of COVID-19. Canada’s accounting and advisory firms are mirroring Canadians everywhere by offering to help their neighbours. It’s what makes Canada great, and it’s how we’ll get through this together,” said Perrin Beatty, President and CEO, Canadian Chamber of Commerce in a press release.

“We understand the incredible difficulties all business owners are facing during these challenging and uncertain times. That is why our government has rolled out the largest relief effort in Canadian history to give direct support to the businesses who need it. We want to ensure they can weather through this period and bounce back once we’re on the other side of this. The Business Resilience Service will help the smallest and most vulnerable businesses in pressing need of finance planning advice amid this pandemic and as they plan for their recovery,” said the Honourable Mary Ng, Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion and International Trade.

“Canada’s accounting profession is proud to advise small- and medium-sized businesses, not-for-profits and charities during these challenging times. Our members provide their expertise across all sectors of the Canadian economy and the profession has a history of stepping up. In addition, CPAs from firms of all sizes will be invited to participate as advisors in the BRS trial,” said Joy Thomas, president and CEO, Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada) added.

For more information, businesses can visit the Business Resilience Service or call 1-866-989-1080.

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