Bakers Journal

Federal and Quebec governments issue joint statement on development of Canada’s Grocery Code of Conduct

January 17, 2023
By Bakers Journal

Ottawa – All agri-food organizations should participate in upcoming consultations on the federal Grocery Code of Conduct, urged Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and Quebec Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food in a joint statement.

“We would like to commend the agri-food industry on the substantial progress they have made in developing Canada’s first-ever Grocery Code of Conduct. We know there has been a significant amount of time and effort dedicated towards this initiative – and we would like to thank you all as we move towards its implementation,” said federal Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Marie-Claude Bibeau and Quebec Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food André Lamontagne in a news release.

“By enhancing transparency, predictability and fair dealing, the Code will help make Canada’s food supply chain more resilient. With businesses working together, the Code of Conduct can be even more effective, which ultimately, will not only benefit the industry, but consumers as well.

“We strongly encourage all agri-food organizations to participate in the consultations that industry will be leading in the coming weeks so that the Code can benefit the largest number and variety of businesses. It is clear that a Grocery Code of Conduct will be more successful if people see its added value, especially through the accountability its governance structure and its dispute resolution model will bring.

“We do recognize that a Grocery Code of Conduct will not address all pressures facing the food supply chain. Issues at stake are very complex and need to consider a variety of conditions and perspectives.

“We are supportive of the current process and highly encourage widespread voluntary adoption of the Code of Conduct, so it can be swiftly implemented and help improve the strength and resilience of Canada’s food supply chain, while also building consumers’ trust.”

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