Whether you want to formulate with a tried-and-true flavor or create a brand-new taste, having a flavor partner who cuts the complexity from the process accelerates your success. At FlavorSum, we combine expertise in solving flavor challenges with an agile infrastructure. The result? An all-in-one solution that helps growing food and beverage companies improve their speed to market.
Our solutions include FlavorSum Access with downloadable technical documents like TDS, SDS, and FIDS to keep the commercialization process moving. FlavorSum Collaborate offers online or on-site interaction with our flavorists, application scientists, regulatory experts, and production teams. FlavorSum Discover brings insights on market and consumer trends right to your inbox.
Our mission is to make flavor sourcing more efficient, effective, and enjoyable. Partner with FlavorSum for best-in-class responsiveness, competitive lead times, and a wide assortment of trending flavors.
We offer products in 5 ingredient categories
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