Bakers Journal

U.S. consumers willing to pay more for protein-enriched food, reports NPD

June 17, 2014
By Bakers Journal

June 16, 2014, Chicago –  About half of U.S. consumers purchase protein-enriched
foods, reports The NPD Group. Cereal and bread are the most likely
protein-enriched foods to be purchased, according to NPD’s recently
released report, Protein Perceptions and Needs.

June 16, 2014, Chicago –  About half of U.S. consumers purchase protein-enriched
foods, reports The NPD Group. Cereal and bread are the most likely
protein-enriched foods to be purchased, according to NPD’s recently
released report, Protein Perceptions and Needs.

In addition to cereal and bread, protein bars and pasta are other
protein-enriched foods consumers buy. About one in five consumers say
they have paid more for protein-enriched items, and protein bars are
among the items most likely to command a premium, finds the NPD
research. With 78 per cent of U.S. consumers telling NPD that protein
contributes to a healthy diet, protein is currently very much
top-of-mind with grocery shoppers. 

“Going forward food and beverage marketers should look for
opportunities to fortify their products with protein, but it shouldn’t
stop there,” said Darren Seifer,
NPD food and beverage industry analyst, in a news release. “Inform consumers about what a
great source of protein your product is, and why it matters to their

Not only are consumers willing to pay more for protein-enriched
products, they want more of them. Among the other foods consumers would
like to see protein-enriched are bagels and frozen foods.

“The challenge for the marketers of protein-fortified foods is to get
noticed among the surrounding protein sources that are large categories
and household staples,” said Seifer. “Look to make inroads via snack
foods that are consumed as a snack or as part of a meal as a way to
infiltrate consumers’ diets.”

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