Bakers Journal

Next generation acrylamide-preventing yeast tech from Functional Technologies

November 15, 2011
By Bakers Journal

November 15, 2011 – Functional Technologies Corp. has developed the third generation of its proprietary acrylamide-preventing (AP) yeast platform.

Improvements to the original underlying AP technology have allowed for the acceleration and elevation of the yeast's capacity to degrade asparagine, the rate-limiting precursor to acrylamide.

In laboratory and simulated commercial conditions, this third generation enhancement is capable of yielding more than 95 per cent asparagine reduction in various products, including in commercial materials used to produce non-bread related food products.

This level of reduction was achieved in various timeframes, from short up to pre-specified time periods, depending on the conditions employed (e.g. yeast inoculation rates). Functional Technologies reports that studies with third generation AP technology show desired levels of asparagine reduction can be achieved within end-user defined parameters and protocols.

"Functional Technologies' ability to continuously improve on existing technologies speaks to the strength of the company's core yeast competencies, while the results obtained with this latest technology advancement points to the increasing viability for our acrylamide-mitigating platform to meet strict production requirements," said Howard Louie, chairman and CEO of Functional Technologies.

"These qualities are important in maintaining or even improving the company's position with existing and future food industry thought leaders or collaborating companies, in the joint development and potential commercialization of Functional Technologies' acrylamide-preventing yeasts."

Compared to first generation AP yeast technology, the most recent iteration of AP technology represents a significant advancement with respect to the timing and inoculation rates required to attain superior asparagine-reduction rates.

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